
New Portrait Web Site

I now have a brand new HD portrait web site - www.imagelightportraits.com Check it out when you have time. All the images are scalable to full screen.  So no matter how large your monitor is - you can make the images as big as you want.  It takes a little more time at upload, but I think it's worth it.


There are new samples of family portraits on the site.  The holiday season is sometimes the only chance during the year to get a family portrait where everyone is in attendance. Something to think about.


Maybe its getting to be that time to update your LinkedIn photograph if you are looking to move up in your career. Check out the Business Portraits.

Take a look at the Environmental Portraits where we photograph people in their environment.  Everyone has a story, tell it with a portrait.


My other web sites: www.imagelight.com and www.imagelightweddings.com

Dancing In a Daydream

One of my most popular images I have ever shot, took only a few seconds to set up. The story behind this shot I created years ago is simple.  I was on vacation in Carmel with my wife and I had just bought a new lens and was down on the beach working with it one day.  I saw this tiny  little girl having a great time at the beach.  She would walk down to the water and back up as the waves came gently in.  She spent about a minute near the water's edge and went back to her family.

I thought that would make a good photograph so I went up to her dad and asked if I could take a couple of shots of her daughter.  I gave him my card and told him to contact me and I would send him some prints in an exchange for a signed model release. He asked if I wanted her to change he clothes or anything and I said no, I want to just recreate was I saw a few minutes earlier.

The girl followed me down to the water's edge and I shot about five frames.   I got what I wanted on the first frame and then took a couple of back up shots. Forty-five seconds, tops.

When I came back home and processed the images, I knew I had something special.  A few weeks later I was contacted by the father of the little girl and I sent him some prints and he sent me a signed model release.

I have since won several awards with this image both on local level and on a national level.  One my most popular and it took less than a minute with almost no set up.  I titled it: Dancing In A Daydream for competition.


Copyright 2015, Terry VanderHeiden